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Before you proceed, please consider the ground rules set by the moderators of photog.social.

  1. 3-5 photo posts per day recommended to avoid overloading the timeline
  2. No illegal content (no porn, underage revealing, etc) Artistic portraits are fine. Admins decision is final.
  3. Keep it civil. Best to avoid contentious political or religious debates. There are other instances for that.
  4. Absolutely no anti-vaxx, conspiracy theory bullshit. This isn't the place for it.
  5. Images in your posts must be your own work. (ok to boost others though)
  6. Generated AI* art is not permitted without being clearly labelled as such, AND being hidden behind a CW (Content Warning). * does not refer to AI tools used in processing, eg Topaz, DXO, Lightroom's denoise tools, etc.