#Earthquake (#земетресение) M2.5 strikes 21 km S of #Petrich (#Bulgaria) 18 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1782843
#Earthquake (#земетресение) M2.5 strikes 21 km S of #Petrich (#Bulgaria) 18 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1782843
@juergen_hubert #opposition in necciary like you see in other contries with constitutional crises: #Georgia #Bulgaria #Russia
The European Union plans to allocate €200 billion for investments in European artificial intelligence.
The EU announced that new artificial intelligence factories will be established in Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Poland, and Slovenia, supported by a total of approximately €485 million in national and EU investments.
#Earthquake (#земетресение) M1.7 strikes 22 km SW of #Burgas (#Bulgaria) 33 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1781826
774,000-year-old mammoth tooth plates seized en route from Ukraine to Bulgaria (more) https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-crime/3969290-774000yearold-mammoth-tooth-plates-seized-en-route-from-ukraine-to-bulgaria.html #Ukraine #Bulgaria #Mastodon #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Press #News #Taiwan #Media #Japan #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom
#EuropeanUnion #russiaUkraineWar
No one will fall, if we stick together! https://www.byteseu.com/818534/ #Bulgaria #RepublicOfBulgaria #RepublikaBŭlgariya #България #РепубликаБългария
Bulgaria's new defense strategy designates Russia as major security threat (more) https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-defense/3969019-bulgarias-new-defense-strategy-designates-russia-as-major-security-threat.html #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #Bulgaria #SouthKorea #Press #News #Taiwan #Media #Japan #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom
#EuropeanUnion #russiaUkraineWar
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day in #Bulgaria https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/bulgaria/sofia/?s=mb #travel #history
#Earthquake (#земетресение) M3.2 strikes 19 km SE of #Velingrad (#Bulgaria) 9 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1780890
Jan Marsalek: The Tech Boss Who Was Russia's Secret Spy - Part 1 | The Daily T (The Telegraph VIDEO) #Ukraine #Mastodon #NukesForUkraine #Bulgaria #SouthKorea #Press #News #Taiwan #Media #Japan #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom
#EuropeanUnion #russiaUkraineWar
Updates from the Borders Vol. 3 – Situation Update #Bulgaria
Was 'Gesundheit ist ein Menschenrecht' wirklich bedeutet!
Morgen Abend informieren Medical Volunteers International über ihre Arbeit und die Lage von Geflüchteten in #Bulgarien.
10.03.25 19:00 MEZ via zoom
#MVI zoom-link:
https://www.europesays.com/1897627/ Three Bulgarian Nationals Were Spying In EU For Russia #bulgaria #армія #България #війна #новини #обороннапромисловість.Новинитааналітика.Хронікадеокупаціїтаперемоги.Інформаційнапередоваз2009року.
3 Bulgarians convicted of spying for Russia across Europe from base in UK https://www.byteseu.com/809506/ #Bulgaria
https://www.europesays.com/1896010/ I bought this magnet as a souvenir last year, wondering if someone could translate? #bulgaria
Huge article on #Wirecard CFO who is now confirmed to be running spies for #Russia within Europe.
* Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2025/03/07/marsalek-russian-spymaster-wirecard/
* No paywall: https://archive.md/H7lTL
Wirecard collapsed and then #crypto began to rise within under a year... which I'm sure is just totally a coincidence.
The love triangle makes this perfect for a TV drama adaptation.
Actual Slow Horses stuff!
I hope they got the Barbican in the background....
That's the spirit, give the Nazis no rest, no shelter!
Drive the Couchfucker out of his Vermont skiing holiday, heckle this gangster fucknut out of a Bulgarian museum!