This is our aircraft carrier carrying a load of Gilead F35s for the South China Sea (presumably) that will 'mysteriously' not work when the moment comes and China makes it's move for Taiwan, like Russia did for Ukraine and Gilead plans for Canada.
Fascists will betray what remains of Democracy left on the planet, believe them on this.
"The NHS buck stops with Wes Streeting"
Focus all your energy on that one point then.
"US politicians and privacy campaigners are calling for the private hearing between Apple and the UK government regarding its alleged encryption-busting order to be aired in public."
"Colloquially, the IPA is referred to as the Snooper's Charter since its aims are to legally empower intelligence agencies with greater surveillance powers."
Received a leaflet for Reform and it was full of infuriating but vague shite as you might expect, but notably it also had photos of both Keir Starmer and Kemi Badenoch on it.
It just made me think that if Badenoch, the youngish DeSantisite culture warrior troll, was really going to be the Tories’ magic bullet against Reform, they wouldn’t be using her face on Reform election literature. #UKPol
Britain does not think Starmer is the man for the hour, he's a Neville.
And we know Brexit has shot us in the foot, time for Westminster to admit it
@bewilderbeast23 Starmer went over to the US, bent the knee to Trump before the election and flew back, like he already knew Harris wouldn't win. I know he's a weak man who does what his masters tell him, my eyes look towards people like Peter Mandelson, what with his Epstein connections.
Mr "Make Brexit Work" there still hoping Gilead isn't Gilead and Trump can be held to his word, like Brexit was a great idea for the country.
This deluded fuck is not the person we need leading the country right now, we all know he's a Neville.
How long must we indulge this wet, Quisling fuck? This isn't a fucking game!
"What if we gave Appeasement one more try? Is there some middle ground with Fascism I can inhabit?"" - Starmer
@alisynthesis I guess Bernie would have to attract billionaires that he's not willing to court, which is sad because there are enough on the "giving pledge" list who would at least listen.
There are still some Chuck Feenyes in the world.
I watched the same with Michael Foot in Britain, who was a fantastic socialist leader, and a fantastic speaker - and was very similar to Bernie in a lot of ways. But he was completely unelectable because in an ultra capitalist society, you need friends in that world (very oversimplified).
Now I will spend too long trying to find out if Foot and Bernie ever met, but I think a plane ticket to America would have been far too opulent for him
Will you join over 1.9k people who’ve signed our petition to keep what’s stored on Apple iCloud encrypted?
The UK government is gambling with our security and playing into the hands of hackers and criminals.
Send a message: save encryption before more services are hit with technical notices.
Sign and share now
When you have the press and civil society camped outside the courtroom, the secret might be out
Even so, we’re still denied the reasons why the UK government wants to take a battering ram to our security and privacy.
It shows contempt for the public interest in the Apple encryption case.
"There is still time for the Labour cabinet to act like a cabinet, and for its members to stand up to the Treasury to halt the cuts in benefits to the sick and disabled, and to insist on a more flexible interpretation of the fiscal rules and a limited set of tax measures."
John McDonnell
Benefits cuts now? What’s the point of a Labour MP who votes for something so cruel, tin-eared and short-sighted? | John McDonnell | The Guardian
#UKPol #Labour #welfare #austerity
Saddling small sites with the same duties as huge platforms means many will shut down in a hammer blow to net plurality.
We'll be left with the Sophie’s choice of monopoly services; the incubators of online harms.
URGENT: The UK government must change the Online Safety Act to protect safe, non-commercial blogs, forums and fediverse.
Write to your MP to #SaveOurSites
Broke: Street protests
Bespoke: Kinetic resistance
Wes Streeting folks, barely got elected into his seat, now fucking about with the NHS in adoration of a Rapist.
This Labour are 'centre left' in the way that the Dems are 'left', as in ....they are not.
The Biden administration will go down in history as useless. If there even is a history after this.
They lost Roe. They did nothing about the rise of MAGA. They did nothing to protect trans people. They continued to put kids in cages. They probably lost the election because they funded and supplied the Gaza genocide. They failed to get Trump into prison where he belongs. They did nothing about the seizure of the courts. They allowed billionaires to run rampant. I could go on.
They were utterly rubbish.
The Trump fascists are worse of course. But this is how fascism gets in. Centrism trangulates its way out of social democracy and into nasty places, and then lacks the support of the people it's screwed over. And the fascists ride in to the cheers of the stupid.
I guess promising us MORE Austerity after 15 years of Tory Austerity combined with our super best friend, Gilead calling a Trade War isn't helping.
Tell you what chancellor, why don't you punish the Poor for the Economy not going the way you naively assumed it would, teach us a lesson, yeah?