Serious people may find this info to be irrelevant, but I absolutely want to know details about your photos - especially the location.
I'm not looking to compete with anyone on location shots; I'm just curious to know a bit about whatever it is I'm looking at! IMHO, context typically adds interest to an image.
@analogfusion You made me think about what I add. Actually went back at looked and most have a location of sorts. i do get what you meant and that can and add to the enjoyment. Curious on what you think about adding camera info. I don't add this if i think knowing the camera or lens makes a difference.
@timdalton I often include the camera info, especially if it's an older or interesting camera. Lately I've been posting photos taken with a 20 year old point-and-shoot for the #ShittyCameraChallenge. I don't typically mention the specific lens.
Of course the only people who really care about the gear are other photographers.
@analogfusion I’ve seen that challenge. I have a Canon AE-1 I bought on a whim 5 or 6 years ago at a flea market. It works but the lens with it is does not. Maybe I can submit a photo from it noting the crappy lens.?
I also have a couple of mid 80’s? point a shoots. have to try one out i guess.
@timdalton @analogfusion the AE1 is great so unfortunately it won’t do for the #ShittyCamaraChallenge. Think worse, much worse.