Headed to the zoo with my #Nikon #F100, loaded with a roll of #HarmanPhoenix and another 5-6 rolls of #HP5plus in my bag. Using my 28-300 zoom lens which seems to be the only lens that gets used on this camera lately…it’s so versatile. If I needed the camera to be smaller and lighter I’d use something else, but if I don’t need to, why not have the options?
Don’t know if I’ll shoot all the film I am bringing but I’m always excited to take pictures of new things.
@kaiser_photo Is that the Nikon 28-300? I have that lens. It is a great shoot it all zoom.
@tomnorthfilm it is! I was kicking around on Ken Rockwell’s site and he gushed about it (as he does about a lot of things) and I saw one in good condition for a decent price. So much better (even to my non-expert view) than any of the kit zooms I’ve had at various points.
@kaiser_photo It really is a great all around lens. It used to be the daily carry of Jay Maisel when he was shooting DSLRs during his walkabouts in NYC.
@tomnorthfilm the VR is nice too - I can generally get a sharp picture at 1/15
@kaiser_photo So handy. Who needs a stinkin’ tripod!