A collection of #35mm film photos, shot on my grandad's 1970s Zenit-E. Intrigued by these curious scenes, or the type of film used?
Abandoned school in Ireland, later used as a garage
Steam machine in an old coal mine, England
Once grand mansion in Wales, later used as a school
flooded American style diner, England
Film stocks used:
- #Ilford HP5 Plus
- #Fomapan Action 400
- #Kentmere 100
- FPP Wolfman
@ObsidianUrbex Both actually! I want to see the scenes with labels saying what film was used to capture them!
If you look at that bottom of the photos, it has the info there. I usually do this with my film photos
Also the film list in the caption is in the same order as the photos
@ObsidianUrbex Awesome! These look amazing, what do you think of the Mir-1b? I'm low-key looking to expand my Soviet lens kit for my Zenit E, all I have is the Helios 44.
I tend to shoot indoors and prefer wider angle, for that reason I use the Mir-1b over the Helios 44. The Helios stays at home now, to save weight in my bag
I realise the images had failed to upload, my apologies. They are added now
@AlexLuyckxPhoto @ObsidianUrbex Both indeed! Out of this bunch I like the Fomapan best, to my own surprise, followed by the Kentmere.
Nothing wrong with Foma 400, I regularly shoot it as a budget option especially in 120 format, but usually it shows some weaknesses when compared to Tri-X or HP5 (both of which are like my gold standard, especially Tri-X).
@satanskrapfen @AlexLuyckxPhoto
Actually, Fomapan is my least favourite. I found the windows blowing out so much, and the grain isn't appealing to my eyes. In medium format I hear it's much better, but at 35mm...it's definitely not for me personally. Shot one roll and not in a hurry to shoot again
@ObsidianUrbex @AlexLuyckxPhoto It is much better in medium format indeed! Stuff like overblown highlights weigh in much less that way. I even did crimes like pushing medium format Foma 400 to 800 in Rodinal and it came out really nicely. With visible grain of course, but I don't mind grain, else I'd use Delta.
I also like their backing paper. The frame numbers are decently visible in my Lubitel, something I can't say about other manufacturers.
@satanskrapfen @AlexLuyckxPhoto
Aww nice! I have a Lubby as well! Aye I know what you mean, some backing paper is a real struggle to read the numbers sometimes
Thanks so much Frankie
I really love the black and white look of old films, it has something special and unique.